Nils Quinta


Pictures & Words

Together We Create

   Hi and welcome. My name is Nils Quinta. I live in Orange County California USA. I guess I’m a bit of a deep thinker, an amateur philosopher and a creative at heart, but aren't we all.

    I’ve worn many hats in my 40 odd years, some more appealing than others. I found my passion creating visual content, writing, photography and sharing my feelings and photos like a public journal. It’s a form of therapy that once you take the first step, your creativity begins to flow and life struggles become petty, fading into the background.

   I love the mutual support and community we share on the web. I draw my inspiration from Nature, water, trees, flowers, animals and oh yeah, relationships. I have a book out of my poetry and quotes from the last few years of experiences on and working on the next one, out shortly. I support myself for the most part as the self employed business owner remodelling contractor of Two Brothers Tile

   In my free time I take photos, write poems and quotes, edit, compile and share, mostly on Instagram, as creative needs require or when inspiration strikes. All photos and words are original, feel free to share, but I ask that you tag, mention or link back to this site or one of my Instagram accounts. I would love to connect and support you in anyway I can with your creative endeavors as some many have done for me. Hopefully I can be some kind of inspiration to someone somewhere. 

   I've included my InstagramsTikTok and YouTube below so you can get an idea of what I'm about. Free to peruse my photography store, grab a free phone wallpaper, prints and downloads avalible, updated daily. Drop a note anytime.










Thanks for stopping by

Nils Quinta